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Communication Strategy | Public Relations | Press Relations

The ProMendoza Foundation, a public-private entity responsible for promoting the products, goods, and services of the region, decided to increase its investment in the Brazilian market with the goal of gaining market share and expanding its business.

To achieve this, it established a Logistics Hub at the port of Itajaí, Santa Catarina, Brazil's second-largest port, aiming to offer its products at the best cost-benefit ratio. 



To mark the inauguration of this Logistics Hub, ProMendoza and Satori (the responsible exporter) planned to organize business roundtables with online tastings between exporters, buyers, and suppliers, as well as a virtual press conference targeting the retail sector, wine e-commerce platforms, delicatessens, wine shops, international trade (comex), and wine influencers.



To achieve the desired results, we conducted competitive research and developed a dedicated public relations strategy tailored to the involved sectors. We organized and invited participants to the digital event, sent out an invitation press kit, and coordinated and hosted the virtual press conference. Following this, we worked for several months distributing news to the national press.

We also created and provided guidance for Portuguese-language content for the institution’s email marketing and social media. 



In total, 42 people attended the press conference, and we achieved over 50 publications (including event coverage and press releases).

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